Saturday, August 30, 2008


Dear me....after a such a promising start to Chick in a Ute, way back in March 07, there's been zero action since. Zip. Nada. On the upside, the lack of the blogging could attributed to an action-packed & satisfying life away from the internet. It could be. 

Anyhoo, Chick in a Ute is back. Less chat this time around....far too busy drooling over gorgeous & infinitely expensive goodies from the ether. Just links & pics of the good stuff.
Oh that lace fence and that cinderella table....euro designers do it better. Full stop. 

Dreamfile No. 1: Replace the tennis court fence with a Lace Fence. Charmed. 

Deborah Oropallo - San Francisco-based artist. See article in the SF Chronicle 16/02/08  'Jersey Girl'

Philipp Mainzer - Industrial Design - 'Martha' Coat Rack. I'd hang my coats up everyday if I had such a pretty thing to hang them on.

Hopi - Horm. Not sure which of those words is the name of the designer or the mirror: either way, it's a cool mirror. does it stay up....?

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